APLAWS project
Webb, KerryA
2004-01-09 01:26:32 UTC
I've had a query from one of our agencies about the APLAWS project
[http://www.aplaws.org.uk/plus/pages/home/index.cfm] and the Open Source
products that resulted from that work.

Can any of the UK list members comment on how it's going since the end of
the actual project?



Kerry Webb
ACT Information Management

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please trim your posts.
Julie Zielstra
2004-01-09 10:16:03 UTC
can't speak from an APLAWS members point of view (insider knowledge), but for us
we've benefited from both the standards published and the profile of the project
to legitimise information management standards in local government. So hurrah!

Julie Zielstra
New Media Manager
Greenwich Council
(020) 8921 6409
Post by Webb, KerryA
I've had a query from one of our agencies about the APLAWS project
[http://www.aplaws.org.uk/plus/pages/home/index.cfm] and the Open Source
products that resulted from that work.
Can any of the UK list members comment on how it's going since the end of
the actual project?
Kerry Webb
ACT Information Management
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please trim your posts.
please trim your posts.
Steve Williams
2004-01-12 12:20:05 UTC
taken from the applaws website
APLAWS was one the 25 funded Local Government Online (LGOL) Pathfinder Projects, which aimed at exploring and developing new ways of implementing e-government.
The APLAWS Pathfinder developed an open source Content Management System that can be freely adopted by any local authority in the UK
<hmmmmm - from memory two of the members who worked on the original project took 'Arsdigita' open source CMS on board (which then went down and was then consumed by redhat) and created a CMS version that they called Aplaws CMS - which they have subsequently gone on to market in the UK. This was more an extension of the original project.>

At least two of the organisations involved in the original work (RNIB and Age Concern) subsequently purchased a different CMS.....though it seems as if their names have now been removed from the Aplaws website :-) .....

IMO you have to seperate the original project from what is now a stand alone CMS. The website has been considerably changed to reflect the success it has had in the local government environment....


-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Zielstra [mailto:julie.zielstra-I9gopo1hs4/***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: 09 January 2004 10:16
To: Webb, KerryA
Cc: cms-list-/***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [cms-list] APLAWS project

can't speak from an APLAWS members point of view (insider knowledge), but for us
we've benefited from both the standards published and the profile of the project
to legitimise information management standards in local government. So hurrah!

Julie Zielstra
New Media Manager
Greenwich Council
(020) 8921 6409
Post by Webb, KerryA
I've had a query from one of our agencies about the APLAWS project
[http://www.aplaws.org.uk/plus/pages/home/index.cfm] and the Open Source
products that resulted from that work.
Can any of the UK list members comment on how it's going since the end of
the actual project?
Kerry Webb
ACT Information Management
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please trim your posts.

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please trim your posts.
