Multi-surfacing of articles within a site and replication of site fragments
Matt Hopgood
2004-01-09 15:18:44 UTC

This is my first post, so forgive me if you've covered this topic before
or I'm simply rambling.

My headaches are being caused by: Multi-surfacing of articles within a
site and replication of site fragments.

I'll ask my questions about these issues seperately and try to be

1. Multi-surfacing of content.

Explanation - An article is produced on 'Coffee' and lives in the
'Beverages' section of a site. However, the front-end information
architecture of the site is based around topics and categories that
overlap in a matrix fashion and so our article on 'Coffee' also exists
in; Breakfast drinks, Stimulants and 'Dark heady drinks'. So in total
our single article is displayed in the front-end in four different
locations albeit with differing contexts.

I have two questions:

- Is this a normal and straightforward action for most content
management systems?

- Is there a user experience aspect to this in respect to content
duplication (and are there many site which follow this model)?

2. Replication of site fragments

This is an extention of of the previous scenario which replicates not
simply single articles but fragments of the site. For example, our
'Coffee' article is now an entire section, consisting a 'Coffee
homepage', four 'Coffe related sub-home pages' and 25 different 'Coffee
articles'. In this scenario this entire site section is found in four
differing locations in the front-end information architecture.


- Has anyone come across this before?

I'm looking for some help in responding to what feels like slightly odd
client requests.


Matt Hopgood

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